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Sezerth's Haven Under The Stars.

Just waiting...

Friday 18 July 2008

Wads tat im feeling? Its a stupid useless emotion THAT I RATHER Not have right nOW...
It sucks to feel this way...
Why did i have to go find out... Does that make me a happier person? Don't u think IGNoranCE IS A BLiss?

Saturday 14 June 2008

If one day, somebody who hurt u badly in the past came back, would you forgive that person?
Or would the hate still be there?

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Work work work.. Life is so routinE Now.. Its so bORINg..
Hope tml will bring pleasent EXPECTATIONS..
But i hav a bAD feelinG ABout things.. hiaz.. weLL, i'll find OUT TML...

Monday 12 May 2008

LookinG at the choices RIGHT Now, kindA stuck.. DunNo wad to do neXT... haiz... What is right anD what is wrong???

Thursday 1 May 2008
Know yr place

It was nvr meant to be. It could nt even last as a simple friendship. Goes to show how IMPORTANT everything meanT. Being perfect strangers again suits me just fine i guess. Since thingS have already headed in this direction. Im Nt going to try to salvage anything. It takes 2 to clap.

Thats just LIFE going to show that cruel jokes are always in place, waiting TO AMBush u when you least expect it. I was never going to be the one. ActionS speak louder than words.

Thanks for the memories. Goodbye...

Tuesday 15 April 2008

How many atime do ppl get into a r/s with someone just because he/she is there for them?? Do ppl actually wait for the one they truely love?? Is it a waste of time to do so?? Or would it suit them better to find the one thats at their side?? Ultimately, do such r/s last??

Do ppl see better from outside looking in? Is a friend's opinion wise to heed?? Promises are just like a heart - meant to be broken.

Friday 11 April 2008
What Matters?

Life is just so fragile. Have u seen a person's life slip right througH yr fingers? Life disappears so easily. AdvancemenT in medicine doesnt mean longer life..

Nothing is certain the next day. U never know what the FUture hoLds... Treat your love ones with care and concern, Not SCreaMS anD SCOLDINGs. HoLD on to the oneS u treasure, 4 tHE next day they might be gone.. Be slow to angeR But quick to forgive..

Let the onE u love knOw it.. For TOmorrow MIGHT NEver come...
