I just wonder, how good a person can be, if all she does is SPEND YR MONEY? Sacrificing all yr time and effort on one person and foresaking yr other friends.. How bout finding someone that cheats on u? And its not the first time? Would u still choose to forgive? I personally donT believe that the person will change.. I mean, if that person would change, would he/she have cont to stray in the first place? Thats not faith in a person, its called asking to be DISAPPOINTed!!
Its amazing how one person's life can be destroyed so easily by another.. Maybe ALL this is not love, BUT lust instead. Afterall, how many people can honestly say "i was attracted bY HIS/HER INner BeauTY" or "Looks dont MATTER TO ME?"
Afterall, humans aLL JUDGE BY PHYSICAL APPEARANCE 1st.. Tell me who would u rather talk to? A shabby character, or someone who is dressed up and smells good?
The one thing that got me thinking was the love story. It just goes to show that a person's heart can change because of an incident. Current love can be forgotten just because of someone new.. Thats the way of life??
But things IMMEDIATELY took a drastic change. She started asking questions i never expected.. All in all, i managed to scrape thru the question session and seem to show confidence (*Go figure?) in my work.
SO im technically qualified to give IVM liao.. DUnno to be happy or not.. Well, another skill in the bag..
What is worth spending time on and what is just a bloody waste of time?
Do you buy into those plastic smiles or do you just rip out the lies and expose them for the phonies they are?
Oh great. Times change, but my wonderful pessimistic views are back with a new wave of vengence.. Oppotimistic views never seem to stay. Well, at least when shit happens, it technically speaking shouldnt get worser right?? Hope im not speaking too soon..
Damn.. This is one of those nights i dun feel like sleeping.. Got so much running through my head its going to explode.. Grrrr.....