Love is like an addiction. It takes over yr whole body and changes you totally.. U cant stay away from it.. How many ppl got destroyed by love? Yet, still they keep trying to find it...
Work bothers me every single day.. After work, i have to content with other problems.. The stress is never ending.. I love and hate my work. I love meeting new people, seeing all kinds of people. Yet i hate the job, for the task are never ending, never getting a moment's rest..
Who can give me 40k? Where can i find that sum? is 3 years of your life worth it??
Why is it that the people that understand me, can be so unaware of what i meant? Why are they thinking in such a twisted way?
I have a million why's... But i don't have a million answers.. Sometimes life gets so difficult, i just wanna give up.. I wanna go to a place where i can rest in peace.. Do i ask alot in life?? I dont ask for millions of friends.. I dont ask for millions of dollars..
All i want is a normal life.. Where i can have a simple job, with a simple family..
Nothing is ever as it seems.. Life is just so screwed up... I miss my childhood days.. I hate this life...
This is such a life i never wanted..
One where nobody notices the correct things you do, but only magnifies the mistakes that occur..
No wonder this world is dying..
People are such cruel beings..
Thats why we all die..
Ppl we care most about always get hurt..
THere are no 2 ways to look at it...
No matter how hard i try, anger and disappointment appears...
I hate alot..
I really do...
When will light appear??